Democracy, Straight-Up!

Get ‘Read In’ On The Mission

The Benefits of Direct Legislation

Executive Summary Edition

We, at the Democracy Straight-Up Project, see Direct Legislation as a right, not a privilege, and one that has been overlooked for far too long.  More on that here:

“My Freedom, My Vote!” Direct Legislation as a Right

Of course, we do anticipate that there will be benefits. Many benefits, in fact. But only as long as Direct Legislation is combined with an improved system of representation that we call:

 Connected Representation: A Meritocratic System of Delegation  

The two combined together–that is what we call Democracy Straight-Up! (We even, sometimes, give it a saucy little exclamation point.)

So, here we go. By facilitating the creation of a nation-wide system of Connected Legislatures, starting with the US House of Representatives, Democracy Straight-Up can:

    • Remove Money from Elections
    • Solve the Under-representation Problem
    • Right-size Government spending
    • Marginalize the Two Party System
    • Eliminate Gerrymandering
    • Get Rid of Sleazy and Corrupt Politicians
    • Mitigate the Tyranny of the Majority
    • Cure Information Overload
    • Enhance the ‘pursuit of happiness’.
    • Address the Legitimacy Crisis

Let’s break that down. 

Remove Money from Elections

Representatives in the House will not be beholden to the big money people who fund their campaign for office. We can promise this for the simple reason that no one will need to raise money to run for office. In fact, they won’t even need to campaign, in the traditional sense. That’s what we get with Democracy, Straight-Up!

Solve the Under-representation Problem

Americans are among the most underrepresented constituents of any democracy in the world. This means that people feel that their government is not their own, which leads to civil unrest, and leaves citizens vulnerable to demagoguery.  Democracy Straight-Up would fix that. 

Control Government Spending

The best evidence indicates that under-representation leads to bigger government, and more government spending.  Democracy Straight-Up provides ten times the current level of representation. So, you do the math!

Marginalize The Two Party System

At present, voters can’t vote issue by issue.  They can only vote for a candidate that belongs to a party that has a platform.  Also, in order to get elected and function in The House, one has to belong to a political party.  Democracy Straight-Up would push party loyalty to the margins.

Eliminate Gerrymandering

Gerrymandering enables one party to put more representatives in the House than they rightly deserve, leading to a total vote count that doesn’t reflect the will of the majority of Americans.  Democracy Straight-Up would make gerrymandering utterly useless. 

Deal with Sleazy and Corrupt Politicians

Some politicians seem to be in it for all the wrong reasons. Through Democracy Straight-Up, a House Rep gets to their position through a meritocratic process, by earning the trust of the people around them over a long period of time.  Criminals and sleazeballs need not apply. You’re welcome, America!

Reinvent Lobbying

Lobbyists typically talk directly to representatives privately behind closed doors.  Direct legislation would transform that: if you want to talk to someone, you’ll have to talk to the voters directly and in the clear light of day.  

Get Rid of Political Advertising

Since there will be no campaigning, and no big money behind campaigns, and since representatives will be elected to The House meritocratically through a system of Connected Legislatures, no one will ever need to run another one of those annoying, misleading, pandering media ads ever again! What a relief!  

Mitigate The Tyranny of the Majority

Issue by issue voting means that, if you’re in the majority on one vote, you might just be in the minority on another. This arrangement serves to temper the fervor of the majority. Issue by issue voting means overlapping majorities, and fuels the creation of mutually beneficial outcomes.  

Cure Information Overload

Nowadays there is so much information about everything you can think of, people have started to shut it out. This sends them looking for shortcut ways to make decisions.  Democracy Straight-Up will make sure everyone who wants a reliable, stable source of good information can get it, on any social issue that tickles their fancy.

Transform How We See Democracy

Imagine never again having to worry about the corrupting influence of money in politics.  Imagine politicians who really are decent, hard-working people who you can trust. Imagine a government that doesn’t tax you more than you can take, and doesn’t spend more than it has. Imagine an actual, true-to-its-name, self-government, for, by and of the people. 

And just imagine the satisfaction of being able to vote “Yes” or “No” on that piece of legislation that you love–or hate! And your vote counts as much as that of any other voter, no matter their bank account or position in society.

Yes. Democracy Straight-Up can get you there.  That is what we are saying.  It’s a lot to promise, but we can back it up. 

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